One is food security, another is climate change and the third is the threat of a worldwide outbreak of influenza. 其一是食品安全问题,另一个是气候变化,第三是流行感冒全球性爆发的威胁。
颜色类:red, black, green, white, yellow, orange, brown, grey, pink, blond, blue, purple,学习用品类:pen, pencil, ruler, eraser, paper, pencil-box, ink, notebook, dictionary, sharpener,schoolbag, backpack, textbook, flashcard。
艾玛称:“当很多人要保持健康饮食时,都会关注吃多少这个问题”。Here she explains how much of each food group you should really be eating each day.
这个世界上只存在两类人:花钱篓子和存钱罐子。好巧不巧的是,这两类人结合在一起的概率往往很大。资深财经作家特里·萨维奇(Terry Savage)如是说道。她与人合作撰写了一本新书,讨论如何与准配偶讨论并协商处理一些重要的金钱问题,为双方的结合创造更大的成功机会。
nd]第二third[θɜ:d] 第三fourth [fɔːθ] 第四fifth [fifθ] 第五sixth[sɪksθ] 第六seventh [ˈsevnθ] 第七eighth [eɪtθ] 第八ninth [naɪnθ] 第九tenth [tenθ] 第十twelfth [
按照规定,第一支三次赢得世界杯的球队将可以永久保留雷米特杯,1970年,巴西做到了这一点。The FIFA World Cup trophy is 14.5 inches tall and is made of 6.175 kg of 18 karats gold. It has a circular base, 13 cm in diameter, made of two layers of malachite.大力神杯高14.5英尺,由6.175公斤75%黄金铸造。
0 zero 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four。表示价格划算:a good buy, a better buy, an excellent price, a good price/ bargain.