沉默是金 自是年少,韶华倾负。如若花季少年,我不希望沉默是金。少年壮志不言愁,青春就应飞舞张扬。木棉花一样的红彤,火出滚滚热情,敢爱又敢恨。爱的时候,可上青天揽月,可下海洋远航。恨的时候,应是冰川一角,盛开着的寒梅,独木成林,孤芳自赏,一切快意恩仇,酣畅淋漓,不负有心。
《沉默是金》由张国荣作曲,许冠杰填词,最早在1988年由许冠杰、张国荣合唱,两人又各自在同年录制了独唱版本,两人合唱的版本及许冠杰独唱的版本收录在专辑《Sam & Friends》中 ,张国荣独唱的版本收录在专辑《Hot Summer》中,1988年《沉默是金》获得了十大中文金曲奖以及十大劲歌金曲奖,1989年,张国荣演唱了《沉默是金》的国语版《明月夜》。
A bad beginning makes a bad ending. 不善始者不善终。A bird in the hand is worth than two in the bush. 一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林。
The Good Wife is a legal drama television series set in Chicago, created by Robert King and Michelle King. The series premiered on CBS on September 22, 2009. The show tells the story of Alicia Florrick , whose husband Peter has been jailed following a very public sex and corruption scandal. She returns to her old job as a defense attorney under Will Gardner and Diane Lockhart to rebuild her reputation and provide for her two children, Zach and Grace .