The Chinese language learning was available in more than 180 countries and regions around the world by the end of 2022, according to the Ministry of Education.
猪肉 Pork、牛肉 Beef、羊肉 Lamb、禽蛋类 Poultry and Eggs、蕈类 Mushrooms、海鲜类 Seafood、蔬菜类 Vegetables、豆腐类 Tofu、燕窝类 Bird’s Nest Soup、汤类Soups、煲类 Casserole。
“China's” refers to something that belongs to China, or is an action or attitude that can be attributed to China or its government. It is much narrower in usage than “Chinese” and should probably be avoided when trying to emphasise Chinese possession of things, people, or territories.好啦,今天的小知识点,你学会了嘛?
无论是在生活还是工作中,我们难免会遇到介绍自己国籍的情况,如何正确表达“我是中国人”呢?当它作为形容词的时候,它的意思是“具有中国国籍的、来自中国的”,其英语释义为 Something that is Chinese relates or belongs to China or its languages or people。
新冠肺炎的疫情蔓延到世界各国,世界卫生组织把这次疫情的风险调到了最高级别,并且呼吁世界各国:建议参考“China’s ways”,也就是中国方法。就有学员来咨询摩根英语的老师,为什么“中国方法”不是“Chinese ways”呢?下面,为大家讲解一下。
“有些人不要再用什么lunar new year与chinese new year在国外都流行这样的借口来强行解释了,美国驻华使馆的拜年称呼说明了一切——就是欧美对于中国文化影响力越来越警惕,开始采取压制的方式。