来源:九派新闻 北京时间11月24日,WTT福冈总决赛女单决赛,王曼昱与陈幸同打响“中国德比”。最终,王曼昱4-3取胜陈幸同,首夺总决赛冠军。七局比分:13-11、9-11、4-11、11-5、5-11、11-8、11-5。
但我们认为,朋友是永远的,利益是共同的。There is a saying in the West that there are no permanent friends, nor permanent interests. However, we believe that friends are permanent and interests should be shared.
我们知道,语言文字很多时候需要结合上下文来理解,我们把这句话的上下文列出来看看:Therefore I say that it is a narrow policyto suppose that this country or that is to be marked out as the eternal ally orthe perpetual enemy of England. We haveno eternal allies, and we have no perpetual enemies. Our interests are eternaland perpetual, and those interests it is our duty to follow. When we findother countries marching in the same course, and pursuing the same objects asourselves, we consider them as our friends…从利益角度来讲,这些国家这么做,除了安全利益有所收获以外,经济利益是严重受损的。
这句话实际上来自英国十九世纪的政治家巴麦尊勋爵在英国议会上的一次讲话,原文是:We have no eternal allies, and we have noperpetual enemies. Our interests are eternal and perpetual, and those interestsit is our duty to follow.