Calcifications are calcium deposits that can form throughout the body. They often affect structures such as the arteries, brain, kidneys, breasts, pancreas, heart, joints, tendons, and the surfaces of teeth. Calcifications are diagnosed with imaging, including X-rays, ultrasound, CT scans, and MRI. Treatment depends on the location of the deposit.
1药物减肥市面上的减肥药物非常多,但其实基本分为两大类,并且对人体都有不同程度的损伤:• 中枢作用药:西布曲明危害:血压增高、头痛、记忆力减退、心血管受损。• 非中枢用药:奥利司他危害:胃肠胀气、大便次数增多、脂溶性维生素缺乏。
The Start of Summer is the seventh of the 24 solar terms, succeeding Guyu. This solar term indicates the arrival of summer. Chinese “Li” means to start, as in “Li Chun,” Start of Spring. “Xia” means “Jia” in ancient Chinese, meaning growth. Start of Summer means the beginning of growth in nature.