Q: Do you like music?A: Popular music is my favourite, especially from American bands and singers since their songs are inspiring. I went to see my favourite band — Maroon 5 the other day, actually. What I like about them is their thoughtful lyrics and catchy tunes. When I listen to their songs, I am full of a variety of feelings such as joy and delight. These songs also remind me of the wonderful times in my life.
英对英:用英文释义及例句辅助记忆,培养英语思维。英对汉:直接对应中文释义,快速建立单词与母语的联系。The song sounds good with a quick beat.这首歌节奏节拍听起来不错。
Apple Music服务已经推出许久,在人们还在猜测它是否能进入中国内地时,苹果于凌晨在华悄然开放了Apple Music功能,与其他国家和地区一样,中国大陆用户也可以享受3个月的免费体验期,体验期结束后每个月收取10元的费用,家庭版每月15元,可以供六个用户使用。
一、表情术语 Abbandono 无拘无束、纵情地Accarezzevole 亲切、温存地Affettuoso 热情、冲动地Agitato激动地Amabile 愉快地Alla marcia 进行曲风格Amoroso 可爱地Animato 活泼地Appassionato 热情地Br
老歌是怀旧的载体,怀旧是老歌的情绪——20世纪成立的诸多唱片公司,谁才是你心中永远不凋零的花?1931年,两家唱片公司合并成的Electric and Musical Industries是世界五大唱片公司之一。