此外,据《亡灵之书》记载,阿努比斯的另一项工作是站在二真殿里,衡量那些等待审判的人们的心脏。The human heart was balanced on the scale against Ma’at’s feather of truth. If the heart weighed more than the feather, the person’s identity would essentially cease to exist: the hybrid deity Ammit would eat the heart, and the soul would be destroyed. But if the heart weighed the same as the feather, the deceased would pass through the underworld and into the Afterlife.
在今日(3月7日)开战的EPL S21中,世界排名第118位的中国战队TYLOO(天禄)与现世界排名榜首的TeamSpirit(绿龙)展开对决。经过两局激战,天禄最终以0比2不敌对手,遗憾落入0-1败者组。