“5.1劳动节”用英语怎么说?泛指各国劳动节时,通称 Labour Day(在美国也写作 Labor Day)。以美国为例,他们的Labor Day在每年九月份的第一个星期一。与咱们的五一劳动节并不一样。
36.An impact capable of ejecting a fragment of the Martian surface into an Earth- intersecting orbit is even less probable than such an event on the Moon, in view of the Moon's smaller size and closer proximity to Earth.
例如:blue collar workers/ blue stocking/ blue moon表示very long time / blue in the face with cold/ out of blue/ once in a blue/ drink till all's blue。
2023高考英语新课标词汇表2Jjacket [ˈdʒækɪt] n. 短上衣,夹克衫jam [dʒæm] n. 果酱;阻塞January [ˈdʒænjʊərɪ] n. 1月Japan [dʒæˈpæn] * n. 日本Japanese [dʒæpəˈniːz] a.