雅思口语考试一直是很多烤鸭的“痛点”,不知如何备考或是备考方法不对等等问题,下面小编为同学们带来了6条提高雅思口语分数的技巧,童鞋们赶紧拿好笔和本子吧! 1、Don't say your English is poor.
在雅思考试口语里面,要拿七分以上就强调要uses some less common and idiomatic vocabulary and shows some awareness of style and collocation, with some inappropriate choices uses paraphrase effectively.
“修剪枝叶”可以这样描述:The name of this activity is on the tip of my tongue but I can’t quite recall it. You cut off some of the branches of plants to make them look better.