牛年到,春节好!恭祝大家节日快乐,万事如意![Photo/VCG]祝愿父母身体安康I wish you longevity and health.愿您福寿安康。Wishing you a long life.愿您长命百岁。
在广阔的草原上,牧草拥有很强的再生能力,能在刈割或放牧后再次生长。All the players seemed to have good cards because they kept raising the bet. But Helen just tried hard not to smile: she was sitting in the catbird seat with a royal flush nobody could beat.
,来看两个例子:The crimes are within a 7-mile radius, but the neighborhoods are all completely different. They range from poor to rich, industrial to residential. 这些罪案发生在方圆七英里以内,但范围内的社区环境却都截然不同,从穷人区到富人区,从工业区到纯住宅小区各种类型都有;
Good fortune, family, dragons,lanterns and parades. All these things make up this festive Asian holiday. What is it?
当表示击打某人的部位时,很多使用表达方式:hit + 人的部位,其实更为地道的是:hit + 人 + 人的部位,例如:He hit me on the head with his book.之所以使用“hit + 人 + 人的部位”,是为了把“hit + 人的部位”与 hit 的另外一个意思区分开来;