I learned what is truly important. And that is, how precious this gift of life is, and our families,and how quickly it can be taken away...
Whatever they say, be you. The real you. The true you. The best you.无论别人说什么,都坚持做自己,最纯正的自己,最真实的自己,最优秀的自己。欢迎关注“翼迪英语”我们一起成长。
You've got to chase it. You've got to chase it like a man possessed. You've got to go, and get it.你必须去追寻梦想,你必须疯狂地追寻自己的梦想。你必须采取行动,实现梦想。
史蒂夫·哈维(Steve Harvey)是著名的晚间秀主持人和脱口秀演员。他主持的家庭问答 (Family Feud)也是艾美奖得主。很多人记得他是在环球小姐比赛宣布冠军得主,大多数人不知道的是,同时他也是激励讲师哦。