4.I’m not big on fish/vegetables/spicy food. 我不爱吃鱼/菜/辣。 搭配“be big on something”的意思是“非常喜欢一样东西”,所以这里用“I’m not big on something.”来表示“我不是很喜欢”。
英国的许多百姓为了表明自己的态度:站在伊丽莎白一世一边与天主教划清界线,他们的一项标志性的做法和口号是“星期五不吃鱼”。后来, “eat no fish”是“eat no fish on Friday”的缩写。“星期五不吃鱼”缩略成“不吃鱼”。在英语中,“不吃鱼”就成了表示拥戴政府的行为,“不吃鱼的人”就成了“忠于政府的人”,后引申为“诚实的人”。
老外真的说Don'teat breakfast吗?“不吃早餐”当然可以说Don't eat breakfast。但是,英语中还有另一个更加地道的表达叫做:Skip breakfast!Skip本意是跳过,比如玩游戏的时候不想看前情提要,就选择skip。Skip breakfast
Unit1 Playing Sports Topic1 【重点单词】1. healthy(同义词)fit(名词)health2. win(过去式)won(名词)winner 3. ski(现在分词)skiing 4. famous(比较级)more famous5.
DearMike,Spring Festival iscoming and all my family are very busy. We are getting ready for it. Mygrandfather is making big red lanterns. Red means good luck in China. My fatheris cleaning the house and my mother is making jiaozi. It’s a kind oftraditional food in China and it’s very delicious. My brother is decorating thedoors and windows and I am sweeping the floor.
In this lesson we're looking at how we use some and any in English. And you're also going to see how we make lentil soup.
像like、love、prefer等动词也可以表示吃。比如:Southerners prefer rice and northerners like foods made from flour.南方人喜欢吃米饭,北方人爱吃面食。
Let's first look at 'avoid'. 'Avoid' means 'miss' or 'stay away from someone or something negative'. It's often used for situations that are in progress, but not always. Let's hear some examples.