你是否曾在匆忙中脱口而出"I have no time"来表达自己的忙碌?但你知道吗,这样的表达可能会让外国人感到困惑,甚至误解你的意图。在英语中,"I have no time"通常意味着你完全没有时间,甚至可能被理解为“我的生命即将结束”。这显然不是我们想要传达的意思。
也有赶时间的意思,假若对方听到你说这句,都不好意思打扰你了。来不及了、没有时间了、时间快不够了。They ought to fear climate catastrophe and they are running out of time to act.
我不喜欢老是抱怨的人。have time on sb's side = 有充裕的时间。也可以说成time is on sb's side。例:We don't have to make a final decision till next week, so time is on our side.
等明天,等下次,等我有时间……忙忙碌碌,不禁想问问时间都去哪儿了?正在忙着的你,怎样告诉人家你没时间? 快来看看英文里“没空”怎么说吧!1. You see I'm in the middle of something.你看,我正忙着呢。2.
Each different part of China has different tanghulu. It is usually made of haws, which are put together on a stick and covered with ice sugar. But there are more materials for tanghulu today in some places, such as strawberries, grapes, and even little apples.