上周末趁着休息想约美女外教一起去爬山可是当我跟外教说去“Climb Mountain”的时候外教却大吃一惊为什么呢?一起学习一下吧。“爬山”英语怎么说?首先,“Climb Mountain”的语法是正确的,但指的是去登像珠穆朗玛峰这种的专业登山运动,需要准备很多装备和工具。
由最后一段的倒数第二句话“You must also keep an open eyes on its date of publication because travel is very practical matter and many things change quickly in the 21st century.”可知出版的日期要注意,因为在21世纪的今天,很多事情的变化很快,故答案选D。
第三章 上山 To the Hill 当飞机降落杜阿拉(Duala)的黑暗小机场,一股特殊味道飘进机舱。融合了麝香、热气、芬芳与粗野——那是西非的味道。我们步行穿越柏油路面,湿热的雨像血滴般滚落,汗湿脸庞。机场大厅里是我生平仅见的混乱场面。
There is a saying that goes “It is time to harvest hawthorn during Cold Dew.” Extracts of the berries have long been used in herbal medicine.天气干燥的时候,汗液蒸发速度快,人们容易感到皮肤紧绷,皮肤起皱,口干舌燥,容易咳嗽。
uphill英 [ˌʌpˈhɪl]美 [ˌʌpˈhɪl]adv.上坡;上山adj.向上的;上坡的;费力的;艰难的n.上坡复数: uphills英文释义:n.the upward slope of a hill小山向上的斜坡adj.sloping upward向上倾斜adv.1.
一般来说,hill 和 mountain 的主要区别总结如下:1. 通常 hill 的海拔高度比 mountain 的低,通常是低于2000英尺,看起来像一个“肿块”,山顶常呈现或丘状,而 mountain 的海拔高度最低通常是大于2000英尺。
Hiking is basically walking in nature on any path or on a specific trail. Hiking only requires the person to walk at a normal to a brisk pace in order to reduce weight as well as get the fresh air from nature. Mountain Climbing is a sport or hobby in which a person hikes or climbs a mountain. It is also known as mountaineering or alpinism.