The above two points existed before the epidemic. Now, the epidemic makes more Chinese people not only attracted by foreign countries, but also begin to pay attention to China. There are many beautiful places in China worth visiting. Moreover, I think that even if the overseas is open in the future, the passion of Chinese people towards domestic vacation will not weaken, because if it is a 2-3-day holiday, it will be a very good choice to go to a domestic destination about 3 hours away through the convenient high-speed rail network. Therefore, this trend is very positive. The prospect of vacation consumption in China is very bright. I have no doubt about it.
告别繁杂的工作,放慢生活的节奏。找一个人少景美的幽静之地,彻底放松下来,享受自然和内心的宁静。今天小美就给大家推荐十家上海周边绝美隐秘的度假胜地。(排名不分先后)1、杭州法云安缦曲径通幽 禅房花木深杭州法云安缦酒店位于西湖西侧的山谷之间。
裸心是一个度假村品牌,旗下拥有位于浙江德清莫干山保护区内的两座度假村:裸心堡和裸心谷。这种乡野情趣依傍上海这样缺乏自然旅游资源的大型城市而生。有资料显示,3年多时间里,6 间土屋陆续接待了超过3000 名客人。