例句:The report found that more than 2.3 million drivers in 18 states ran a red light last year, and the number of scofflaws was more than 27 percent higher on Memorial Day weekend than on an average non-holiday weekend.
今天大家和Swagger一起来学习一下酸甜苦辣用英文怎么说哦!点击下方swagger上课录音效果更好哦!正文内容:1.Go for it!可以理解为“上吧”A:I'm gonna win this match.我要赢B:Go for it!-冲吧!2.Fighting.
“加油”是个日常用语,有很多对于它的英语翻译。哪种才是最恰当的表达?要看你在的场合,你读文章的上下文,以及说话对象等。1. 看比赛时的“加油”怎么说?这个大家小时候就学过的,用Come on China ! Come on England就可以了。2.
它的动词facilitate就是减轻负担,翻译成使便利,促进的意思,比如: Many modern inventions facilitate us in doing everyday chores.许多现代发明便利了我们日常的家务劳动。
同志们:Comrades,现在,我代表第十九届中央委员会向大会作报告。The Chinese people are more inspired than ever to forge ahead, more resolved than ever to work hard, and more confident than ever of securing success. They are filled with a stronger sense of history and initiative. With full confidence, the Communist Party of China and the Chinese people are driving the great transformation of the Chinese nation from standing up and growing prosperous to becoming strong. We have advanced reform, opening up, and socialist modernization and have written a new chapter on the miracles of fast economic growth and long-term social stability. China now has more solid material foundations and stronger institutional underpinnings for pursuing development. The rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is now on an irreversible historical course.
当然我们也可以直接用go表示加油。举个例子 This is my dream, I will go for it.举个例子 I hear you ‘re performing this weekend - break a leg。
时至今日,在英语学习笔记的公众号看到了The adventure of Tintin 的推荐文。其次,在道客阅读上也能获取到很多其他地方找不到的书籍和资源,像Collins work on your phrase verbs等。
1) Root for a team or athlete 全力支持球队或者运动员2) I'm rooting for Usain Bolt! He is a beast!我支持Usain Bolt!他很厉害啊!
My English is not very good, but I’m going to have a meeting with four foreign clients tomorrow. I am so nervous.Cheer up, you still have time to try it again.
-More than nine hundred people have died in the fighting.-I want to go skydiving.But I'm a little scared。
英语中的“Achilles’ heel”、“A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush”、“a hot potato”、“a different kettle of fish”、“once in a blue moon”、“a penny for your thought”等。
这些短语和句子你都理解对了吗?最后 留给同学们一个小作业 :I plan to fill up with after I get to my hometown London.同学们可以在 右下角留言区 写下你的答案哦, 老师会亲自点评~
每日一词:We cannot continue to have this “hand to mouth” situation.我们不能再继续这种“从口到嘴”的情况了。直接翻译成从口到嘴,就是翻译腔,但是也挺形象。翻译成“人话”:我们不能继续这种窘迫的,勉强维持的状态了。我要好好工作,努力挣钱。