Titanium dioxide—an additive that's used to make white appear even whiter—can be found in a variety of foods, like coffee creamer, icing, powdered sugar, and ranch dressing. However, for the exact same reason, it is used in making sunscreens, laundry detergents, and paint. FDA considers the additive safe;
It is necessary to further enhance public awareness of the issue, effectively cultivate thrifty habits and foster a social environment where waste is shameful and thriftiness is applaudable.
Q: What is your favourite food?A: I love so many different kinds of food. You know how huge our country is. People in the coastal regions are usually big on seafood. They love to eat fish, shrimps, and crabs, anything from the ocean. In the western region of China, people tend to eat spicy food, with lots of peppers. In the north, people eat dumplings and a lot of fried food. In general, rice and vegetables make up the main daily diet of the Chinese. My favourite type of food is hot pot. I am sure you are familiar with Sichuan cuisine. They fry red hot chilies with meat or vegetables. Everything is so tasty and colourful!
"Food Not Food" 是一个完全用普通的家居用品做成的假食物摄影系列。日常用品在艺术家的手下变得那么有趣。他非常喜欢食物,却不会做饭,而这些假食品不会让他的厨房烧起来。一根鞋带成为意大利宽面条,洗澡的海绵变成了啤酒,火柴变成了薯条。几乎可以以假乱真。
October 16 is World Food Day. The world is facing unprecedented food insecurity due to the COVID-19, ongoing conflicts and climate change, making the mission to eliminate hunger increasingly tougher, especially in the most vulnerable areas. However, in pursuit of food security for all, we must “Leave NO ONE behind,” not only being the theme of this year, but also a call to humanity for joint efforts.
DAILY INSPIRATION💡 本文转载自食帖(id:witheating)拿起锅铲的那一刻,厨房之于每个人的意义也各不相同,当你手忙脚乱地准备着并不太丰盛的食物,开始觉得“料理”这件事儿并不太美好的时候,当你因为时间仓促而糊弄地吃了几口速食,下决心明天开始好好做饭的时候…
中新社台北6月26日电 (记者 张晓曦)台湾FOOD TAIPEI食品展26日登场,聚焦未来食品(Food for Future)及食安永续(Food Safety & Sustainability),吸引超过1600家厂商参展。该食品展由台湾外贸协会主办。