"Z君,拉屎用英语怎么说”“噗……我正在吃东西哎,咱们用词文明点可好?”“sorry, 拉用英语怎么说”“%@@%……%¥”之前Z君写过一篇“礼貌使用洗手间用语”,但是好像找不到了,我过几天重新写一篇再发给大家。
请点击右上角蓝色“+关注”,关注必克英语头条号,及时接收精彩内容shit是“屎”,hot是“热的”看到“shit-hot”有没有想到中文里的那一句:“吃屎都赶不上热乎”下意识里就觉得这是骂人的?一起和小酱来看看真正的意思吧1shit-hot 是什么意思?
I don't need you. I don't need any of you. I've got my own people, and we'll show you up for the amateurs that you are. My people are shit hot. Do you hear me?
No Chinglish Allowed话题~:You are the shit?“You are the shit ??” , is it translated to Chinese like "你是一坨屎??"Nope!
a person who selfishly keeps something that he or she does not really need or want so that others may not use or enjoy it。如果你不打算用这些票,就让别人来拿吧。
hot shit 用作感叹词,表示喜悦,满意或感兴趣:A:Did you have a good time?用作名词,形容与众不同,引人注目的出色的人或物:He thinks he's real hot shit!
继续我们的词汇系列。今天我们来说bad 坏、不好,又可以用什么词来替代?一起来看看吧!视频版文字版lame本来这个词是指腿瘸了,一拐一拐走不好路,但现在是指某东西弱爆了。打游戏打输了?You're so lame!另一个用法相同的是lousy,废柴、糟糕、差劲、很惨。
此外,还有更多的例词:temple堂、sting 叮、tear 涕、tomb 土墓、tower塔、berg堡、bowl钵、seat 席、food 哺、bind绑、bank畔、drag拽、draw抓、chew嚼、fat 肥、wind 弯、warm 温、quick 快、drill 锥、shout 嚣=叫喊、soon 迅=不久、sour 馊、sow 撒、stock 垛=堆=贮存、this 斯=这、wit 慧=智慧、whirl 涡、weave 维=织、vein 纹=脉络、track 辙、dark 黛=黑。