我们只有与自己的身体和谐相处,才能保持健康。From the bitterness of disease man learns the sweetness of health. ~ Catalan Proverb。
今年英国女王伊丽莎白二世 95 岁了,她是英国在位时间最长的君主,那她是如何保持健康长寿的呢?Longevity has long been a topic of discussion in Britain. What's likely to make us live longer?
42岁女子经历20天“断崖式衰老”,我也怕老,所以我马上去看了一些关于抗衰老的国外科普文章。要读懂这些科普文章,需要掌握哪些英文专业词汇呢?这里有20个抗衰老领域的专业英语词汇及其中文翻译:1. DNA Repair - DNA修复2.
Legumes like beans and lentils are a great addition to the diet because they are packed with satiating protein and fiber. For example, one cup of boiled lentils packs in 18 grams of protein and 15 grams of fiber. They are also loaded with a class of nutrients called flavonoids. Recent research has proven these flavonoids to be helping in maintaining our brain health long-term.
Psychologist Laura Carstensen shows research that demonstrates that as people get older they become happier, more content, and have a more positive ou...
【真句】We’ve all known people who run out of steam before they reach life’s halfway mark.【2019.6天津】我们都知道有人在人生的中途就精疲力竭了。