1,转教是最好的学习法;万能公式思维裂变:We’re going to+begin/setoff/get married/go to school/get going/attend college entranceexamination/attend the party/。
听音频请点击下面:起床会用到的英语1.Time to wake up!该起床了!Time to......=It's time to.....该.....了。It's time to brush your teeth! 该刷牙了!It's time to have lunch!
When carrying out the plan,we are bound to come across difficulties,but we are determined to overcome them all.我们在实行这个计划时会遇到困难,但是我们有决心把它一一克服。
Nana:I've booked it on the Internet. I'll have to get it printed from the ticket machine at the ticket office.