多少年来,科学家一直无法弄明白袋熊为什么能拉出立方体的便便,而今他们终于找到答案了。Another theory claims that because wombats tend to use their poop to mark their territory on rocks and logs, the cubical shape of the excrement ensures that it won’t simply roll off.
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就像本项研究的主要参与者,斯坦福大学的博士后Patricia J. Yang在接受《国家地理》采访时说的一样:Cubes, Yang says, are very rare in nature. “We currently have only two methods to manufacture cubes,” she said, explaining that humans either mold cubes from soft materials, or cut them from harder objects. “Wombats have a third way.”
图片来源:YANG ET AL. 2021袋熊和它们的近亲树袋熊一样可爱和慵懒,只是相比于在树上休息,它们更喜欢在地下挖洞和穴居。此外,它们的粪便非常特别,有着独特的方形,到底为什么它们能拉出方形便便呢?