Coincidentally,my workmate is also my housemate. We didn't realise we worked for the same company when I moved in.太巧了,我的室友居然也是我的同事。刚搬进去的时候,我
Although many believe that the idiom 'fast friends' means friends who developed a liking for one another quickly, the term is actually a shortened form of 'steadfast friends.'“熟词偏义”是英语中常见的情况,其实fast除了我们熟悉的“快的”的意思之外,也有很多解释。
相信很多很多朋友都看过听说过《老友记》原文名《Freinds》这部很好看的电视剧。《老友记》开播,第一句台词是:THERE IS NOTHING TO TELL,而片头曲中的“I'll Be There For You”则令人难以忘记。
This is Ben. This is Ken. Ben and Ken are friends. They met when they were ten. Now they are men. “I am happy we met when we were ten!”