During the Grain Buds season, silkworms have cocooned. People begin to cook cocoons and prepare the spinning wheel for reeling silk. Those w
Grain Buds小满未满 万物初盈清风不燥小夏初至物至于此小得盈满今天就是 “小满” 了“夜莺啼绿柳,皓月醒长空。最爱垄头麦,迎风笑落红。”那么英语又是如何去表达“小满”的呢?小满的习俗又有哪些呢?跟着小编一起来了解下吧!
河南日报客户端记者 张蕊小满,二十四节气中的第八个节气,也是夏季的第二个节气,于今年5月21日开始。正如其名字所示,这个时期,北方农作物的颗粒开始变得饱满,但尚未完全成熟。这期间气温迅速上升,南北方温差进一步缩小,全国都将真正进入到夏季。
新京报讯 11月20日,电视剧《小满生活》发布定档海报,宣布将于11月23日起在CCTV-8和优酷播出。该剧由秦昊、蒋欣领衔主演,王鸥友情主演,任重、柯蓝、张龄心、代旭、施诗、谭凯、赵亮、李解、关雪盈主演,于谨维、郭虹特别出演,刘钧、王栎鑫、冯晖、派克特友情出演。
Xiaoman is the eighth solar term of the twenty-four solar terms, which usually falls around May 20th in the Gregorian calendar. Xiaoman marks the beginning of summer, with temperatures gradually rising and crops entering the growing season. During the Xiaoman solar term, people should pay attention to the following lifestyle and health tips: 1. Dietary adjustment: With high temperatures and increased sweating, people should drink more water and eat more cooling fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins, such as watermelon, cucumber, strawberry, mango, etc. 2. Sleep health: With the high summer temperatures, people are prone to fatigue and should ensure adequate sleep time and avoid staying up late. 3. Exercise: With the suitable temperature during Xiaoman, it is a good time for outdoor activities such as jogging, walking, Tai Chi, etc., which can help improve physical fitness and health. 4. Sun protection and skincare: With the strong summer sunlight, people should pay attention to sun protection and skincare to avoid sunburn and skin aging. 5. Clothing and color matching: With the high temperatures during Xiaoman, people should wear light and breathable clothes, avoid tight and heavy clothing, and choose fresh and bright colors. In summary, Xiaoman is a vibrant and lively season, and people should pay attention to maintaining physical health and a positive mood, and enjoy the beauty of summer.
今天呀,咱们要学习的有趣习语就叫做 To the full, 字面上表示到达到了满的状态,但是想想,小满时节谷物已经趋于饱满,也就是长到了最大的个头,所以 to the full 实际上表示到了最大的程度,十分充分。
“小满”是中国传统二十四节气(the 24 traditional Chinese solar terms)中的第八个节气。这个时期,我国北方地区麦类等夏熟作物籽粒开始饱满,但还未彻底成熟,故称为“小满”。英文可译作Grain Buds。在南方,小满是指雨水之盈。
“Amidst prolonged gloom, even the rainbow in the east is cut off by dark clouds. In the period of Lesser Fullness, occasional northerly winds chill the air.”
例:Grain in Ear is the cut-off point for planting crops when the survival rate of crops is high at this time, it also means that the weather getting hot.此时身自得,难更与人同。