文 观察者网 周弋博六年前,马航MH370神秘消失,机上227名乘客也随之没有了踪影,其中有154名中国公民。一直以来,世人都在试图破解这堪称航空史上最大谜团的秘密,但当对真相的探寻演变为阴谋论式的怀疑后,这事的性质就变了。近日,一个“60名芯片专家死于MH370!外媒曝光真相?
报道第一段原文:A new report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared by the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces states that Aerospace Defence Forces experts remain “puzzled” as to why the United States Navy “captured and then diverted” a Malaysia Airlines civilian aircraft from its intended flight-path to their vast and highly-secretive Indian Ocean base located on the Diego Garcia atoll.
MH370 失联的第 10 年,马来西亚政府于 2024 年 12 月 20 日宣布重启搜寻项目。若后续进展顺利,2025 年 1 月到 4 月,一场全面搜寻将在广阔海域展开,让无数人期待着揭开这架凭空消失客机的失踪真相。