从来喜欢家庭影院的玩家,都是贪得无厌,喇叭愈多愈好,超低音单元愈大愈过瘾,百事佬也不例外。百事影院现用上Yamaha RX-A8A,推动Minime DSP P15及两只XTZ SUB 2X12,百事佬从未试过如此满足,各会员如果有兴趣一睹Minime DSP P15的庐山真面目同感受它强大威力。
据中国地震台网测定2月6日3时57分在台湾高雄市发生6.7级地震,震源深度15千米。台南市多处楼房在今天凌晨的地震过后倾斜、甚至倒塌,部分地点传出人员受困,消防人员前往救出多人。图为救灾人员在台南市永康区维冠大楼搜救受困民众。 中国时报供图。
Abstract:On 15 January 2022, the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha‘apai volcano erupted, producing tsunamis worldwide including first waves which arrived more than 2 hours earlier than what is expected for conventional tsunamis. We investigated the generation and propagation mechanisms of the tsunami “forerunner,” and our simulation found that fast-moving atmospheric Lamb waves drove the leading sea height rise whereas the scattering of the leading waves related to bathymetric variations in the Pacific Ocean produced subsequent long-lasting tsunamis. Tsunamis arriving later than the conventionally expected travel time are composed of various waves generated from both moving and static sources, which makes the tsunami, due to this eruption, much more complex and longer-lasting than ordinary earthquake-induced tsunamis.
上期精彩:「吉他纯音乐」听音乐 听见世界 ‖ 每日一曲(01) 「吉他纯音乐」听音乐 听见世界 ‖ 每日一曲(02) 「萨克斯音乐」听音乐 听见世界 ‖ 每日一曲(03) 「排箫音乐」听音乐 听见世界 ‖ 每日一曲(04) 「排箫音乐」听音乐 听见世界 ‖ 每日一曲(05) 「歌
《Victory》是Two Steps From Hell 2015年4月28日发行的单曲,收录于《Battlecry》专辑,是Two Steps From Hell最受欢迎的歌曲。以下是小编另外搜罗的一些十分好听的电音,朋友们不妨可以听听。