1.午门。英文名:Woman2.神武门。英文名:NB Woman3.中和殿英文名:John4.保和殿。英文名:Paul5.太和殿。英文名:Tom6.角楼英文名:Jerry7.养心殿英文名:Cindy8.坤宁宫英文名:Connie9.军机处英文名:Jude10.
The English name for the Forbidden Cityis “the Forbidden City”, because it was only used by emperors and the royal court. Moreover, this name suggests a world that is hidden, a piece of perfect harmony where not everyone can enter. When I told my friends that I have been to the Forbidden Palace they were still thinking at a magical place, where mortals cannot enter.
According to statistics released by the National Cultural Heritage Administration on Wednesday, which was also International Museum Day, 6,565 museums had been registered on the Chinese mainland as of the end of 2022, one of the most for any country in the world.
Museums, which are important places that protect and pass on human civilizations, as well as bridges that link the past, the present and the future, play a special role in promoting the exchanges and mutual learning of the world's civilizations.
北京中轴线是延续至今的国家礼仪传统的特殊见证A Unique Testament to Enduring National Ceremonial Traditions秋平Qiu Ping 自古以来,礼仪祭祀活动在中国社会生活中就占有至关重要的地位。
The protection of historical blocks, ancient architecture and cultural relics is equivalent to the preservation of the city's history and heritage.
Wu Yifan is calling Mike. Listen and tick or cross.这个男孩想要去哪儿?How can he get there from the post office?