Author Herbert Steinhouse, who interviewed Schindler in 1948, had this to say about Schindler's exploits, “Schindler's remarkable deeds stemmed only from basic manners and humanity, except that we rarely grow up believing in them in good faith anymore. He was an opportunist who saw the light and repented, and has since turned his back on the sadists and vile criminals around him.” In a 1983 television documentary, the program quoted Schindler as saying, “I feel that the Jewish people are being destroyed. I have no choice about it, I have to help them.”
相信90%以上的人是因为斯皮尔伯格导演的电影才知道《辛德勒的名单》的。当然,我也不例外。作为奥斯卡金像奖最佳影片,当年我看了不下三遍。近日拜读完这部电影的文学原著,我仍然被深深震撼到。故想对观后感与读后感的不同之处做一番简要评述 。
编者按:这里是一个怀旧剧场。今年是《辛德勒的名单》(Schindler's List)正式公映30周年。该片在IMDB排名受欢迎总榜的第6位,在豆瓣上排名第10位,东西方的口碑都证明了它的成熟和优秀。在过去30年间,大量观众从观看影片中获得的感染和感动。