freckle 雀斑 pelvis 骨盆 sinew 腱 radius 桡骨 pharynx 咽 pituitary 脑垂体 ventricle 心室 grimace 扮鬼脸 slaver 垂涎 snarl 咆哮着说 crouch 蹲下 shuffle 拖着脚步走 garrulous 唠叨的 vituperation 辱骂 astute 精明的 detest 厌恶 sulky 生闷气的 crabby 易怒的 aplomb 镇定 debauched 道德败坏的 prodigal 挥霍的 attic 阁楼 curio 古董 casserole 炖锅 spatula 铲 dishpan 洗脸盆 chandelier 吊灯 mattress 床垫 menstruate 来月经 duster。
Some people aren't even changing out of their pajamas. In June, 47% of consumers told market research firm NPD they are wearing the same clothes throughout most of their day while at home during the pandemic, and nearly a quarter said they liked wearing activewear, sleepwear, or loungewear most of the day.
有些集合名词以单数形式出现,但侧重整体概念时表示单数意义,谓语动词用单数形式,若指集合中的成员则有复数意义:family army audience government public team/group。
来源:澎湃讯新冠肺炎疫情于2020年初开始席卷全球,《英汉新冠词典》(An English-Chinese Dictionary of Terms Related to COVID-19)和《汉英新冠词典》(A Chinese-English Dictionary of Term
#头条创作挑战赛#英语中把“一以下”看作单数,单数前可带不定冠词a(n)或基数词one;把“一以上”看作复数,大部分为规则复数(regular plural),少数英语名词和外来词为不规则复数(irregular plural)。
一、COLOUR (颜色)1blue 蓝色(的)2green 绿色(的)3red 红色(的)4yellow黄色(的)5orange橘色(的)6purple紫色(的)7white 白色(的)8black 黑色(的)9brown 棕色(的)二、SCHOOL (学校)10school
比如destination词条下的“the only safedestination to travel to is your backyard or your balcony 唯一安全的目的地是自家的后院或阳台”,pyjamas词条下的“one in 11 Britons ha