尔云间 一个专门做科研的团队原创 小薇 A科研显微镜 关注我们你知道吗?目前已经发表的涉及统计分析的医学类文章大约有一半的统计方法都是错误的。读者普遍认为当一篇文章出现在期刊上时,审稿人和编辑已经仔细审查了手稿的各个方面,包括统计方法。然而事实并非如此。
2024年,主要分别来自南京中医药大学附属医院肾病科,南京中医药大学苏州附属医院肾病科的 Huan Song , Guo-Qiang Liang , Man-Shu Yu , Yun Shan , Jun Shi , Chun-Bo Jiang , Dao-Lei Ni , Mei-Xiao Sheng 在 Journal of Ethnopharmacology 期刊发表了一篇论文,题目为:Shen-yan-yi-hao oral solution ameliorates IgA nephropathy via intestinal IL-17/NF-κB pathway。消息来源:见原文链接#1。
原名:ZmRPN1 confers quantitative variation in pollen number and boosts hybrid seed production in maize。
Oxidation can deteriorate the properties of copper that are critical for its use, particularly in the semiconductor industry and electro-optics applications. Here we report the fabrication of copper thin films that are semi-permanently oxidation resistant because they consist of flat surfaces with only occasional mono-atomic steps. First-principles calculations confirm that mono-atomic step edges are as impervious to oxygen as flat surfaces and that surface adsorption of O atoms is suppressed once an oxygen face-centred cubic surface site coverage of 50% has been reached. These combined effects explain the exceptional oxidation resistance of ultraflat Cu surfaces.